Monday 30 January 2017

Dry Humping St Lucia Estuary

Andrew Zaloumis

Dry Humping a fragile Eco system

For Fuck Sakes Andrew. The harder you push your incompetents the harder we will push back. What about you have raped the system enough now do you not understand. You are not god. You cannot dictate to us how we use our heritage. You are merely appointed custodian. Somehow you mistook that for ownership. For 16 years we indulged you because you swing the check book and the park rules. We are no longer happy to seed to your massive ego and mismanagement of OUR Heritage.

You are not rehabilitating a system .... That would be true if the system was dead when you took over on 15 December 1999. At that stage the system was functional. It suffered merely under financial constraints due to Government cutbacks on Environmental issues. At time of your appointment you have already stated that you will do what it takes to enforce your vision on the area. Remember the introduction of The Lebombo Spatial Development Initiative at St Lucia Ski Boat Club in 1996.

Do you remember how you bullied females, Ladies of our community, on a public open meeting relating questions on Recreational Angling in The Greater St Lucia Area. Do you remember how you abused Park rules to over ride The National Recreational Angling Act. Do you remember flashing your green scorpion credentials around town? 

Now please explain if this current drought started back in December 1999 why are you dry dredging sediment across Turtle Breeding Beeches during Turtle Season over known and documented Turtle Nesting Sights in the height of rainy season. This Management Plan was accepted in 2013 and you received 7.5 million Euro for this project which you neglected to implement for three years. You started it of with low impact Wet Dredging in the height of the dry season during the worst drought of 65 years. 

You have not dropped the Ball Andrew ... You have Fucking lost it.

   Bierpens Viviers

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